Access and Log in
If you already become Mokka partner, please use the navigation on the website: go to the business section and click Login, select “Login for business” from the drop-down or by direct link here
Enter the phone number used during activation
Next, you need to log in to the cabinet using the 4-digit PIN code that you set during activation
There are 4 types of users in the Mokka cabinet:
1. Administrator
2. Operations (order support)
3. Finance
4. Store personnel (without access to cabinet, create only user for Merchant APP)
A user with the Administrator role has access to all sections of the cabinet and can manage users and reports across the entire business.
A user with the Operations role only has access to Order data relating to his/her legal entity.
After successful authorization, you will be taken to the “Home" page. This page contains key sales metrics and charts for analytics. Dashboard displays only historical data begin from previous day. The data can be filtered by week, month and year. The summary shows the total number of sales, refunds, and the amount of transactions in zl/RON/BGN for the specified period. When hovering over a specific day on the dashboard, the date and amount of sales for that day will be indicated.
Sort the data by type of channel:
- Online - display information for online stores.
- Offline - display information for offline stores.
- Online & Offline - display information for both kind of stores.
A user with the Administrator (director/manager) and Operations (order support) can get sales data from the Mokka across the entire store network.
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If your business does not have an account with Mokka and you would like to open an account, please fill out the form below on After filling out the contact form, a Mokka manager will contact you and help you with registration and access to the service. |
Renewing login/password
Please use “Forgot PIN” if you cannot log in or forgot your PIN. Follow the instructions from email for setting up a new permanent PIN.
We help you to renew your login or password, just ask the support here
Add or delete users
In the cabinet you can manage users for your online or offline stores such as Administrator, Operations or Sales.
You can view a list of all users in the service, order or filter by status, role, brand or regions and stores. You can managing information by users or delete.
Only users with Administrator role have access to this page.
Create users
Create a new user by click on the “Create user” button and choose which user you want to create Administrator, Operations, Finance or Sales.
To create a user, you will need:
- First name
- Last name
- Email
- Cell phone (for Administrator only)
- Choose the stores (for Operations and Sales only)
- Access settings with Legal entity (for Finance only)
Please fill in a unique email address for creating users. Cabinet is not allowed to create more than one user for specified email.
After adding an employee, the user will receive an email with a link to activate the account and set a pin to log in. Please note the email invite is available only 48 hours. If you need an update of invite use the “Resend invite” function in the merchant cabinet.
Administrator | Operations | Sales |
A user with the Finance role has access to the Finance and Accounting section only.
Edit or Delete users
Then you want edit or delete the user, please click three dots at the right of user line
Open Account details to edit user information
Upload multiple new users
To upload multiple new users for your online or offline stores, go to "User Administration" and click on button at right top corner
1. Download 2 files: User registration and Store IDs list.
2. Fill out the required fields in the User registration template for each user:
- store ID from the store IDs list file
- role from user registration file
- first and last name
- unique email to which the registration email will be sent. One user with different roles can have the same email.
3. Save the completed document in CSV format.
Please make sure that all fields are filled in and the format is correct. If you have the error "Role is invalid, Please check the CSV format with "," separator or as workaround you can use Google spreadsheets and save as CSV.
4. Upload a document via the "Choose" button and click "Upload File"
5. If the users are successfully uploaded, they will be emailed to register
If a file has invalid rows, look at the errors in the list. Fix them and reload the correct document.
Step 1 At the first step, you need to download a template and a file with retail outlets Fill in new users and required store IDs |
Step 2 In the second step, upload a list of your users in SCV format |
Step 3 If the users are successfully uploaded, they will be emailed to register |
Step 4 If a file has invalid rows, look at the errors in the list. Fix them and reload the correct document |